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  • Memorial Cabinet of Franklin D. Roosevelt

Memorial Cabinet of Franklin D. Roosevelt

В 1998 году в Ливадийском дворце-музее был открыт мемориальный кабинет-библиотека Ф. Рузвельта. В библиотеке хранятся более 200 книг, переданных в дар Ливадийскому дворцу из музея-библиотеки Ф. Рузвельта в Гайд-Парке (США).

Хронологические рамки изданий: 1926–1995 г.

Среди книг — прижизненные издания, сборники статей, выступлений Рузвельта, неоднократно переиздававшиеся в США. Большую ценность представляет секретная переписка Рузвельта и Черчилля периода Второй мировой войны.

Отдельную группу составляют книги, написанные членами семьи президента: мемуары Элеоноры Рузвельт (супруги президента), ее переписка с дочерью Анной, книги сыновей президента.

Мемуары ближайших сотрудников Рузвельта, активных проводников его «Нового курса» и тех, кто работал с Президентом в годы войны, с автографами авторов: президента Гарри Трумена, секретаря Ф. Рузвельта Грейс Талли.

Особый интерес и особую ценность представляют книги участников Ялтинской конференции – начальника штаба президента адмирала Леги, директора департамента военной мобилизации Бирнса, генерала Дина. 

В библиотеке так же представлены труды американских историков по внутренней и внешней политике США в период президентства Ф. Д. Рузвельта. 

Экспозиция мемориального кабинета-библиотеки раскрывает перед посетителем историю жизненного пути и политической карьеры Ф. Д. Рузвельта, моменты пребывания делегации США в Крыму в феврале 1945 года.

Информация для специалистов

Доступ к изучению научных материалов Мемориального кабинета-библиотеки Ф. Рузвельта осуществляется на основе соответствующего отношения от направляющей организации с указанием фамилии, имени, отчества и статуса специалиста, цели и темы исследования, при разрешении директора КРУ ЛДМ (заместителя директора по научной работе). При этом экземпляр результатов работы обязательно предоставляется в Мемориальный кабинет-библиотеку Ф. Рузвельта.

Список книг

Works by F. Roosevelt during his Lifetime

  1. Hardman J.B.S. (Ed.) "Rendezvous with Destiny. Addresses and Opinions of F.D.R. Selected and Arranged with Factual and Histo­rical References and Summaries". The Dryden Press Publishers. N.Y. 1944.
  2. "Inaugural Address of F.D.R. President of the US Delivered at the Capitol Washington, D.C. March 4, 1933". US Government Printing Office. Washington. 1933.
  3. Runes Dagobert D. (Ed.) "The American Way. Selections from the Public Addresses and Papers of F.D.R.". Philosophical Library. N. Y. 1944.
  4. Roosevelt F. "The Philosophy and the Spirit of N.I.R.A.". 1933.
  5. "Report to the Nation. The American Prepara­tion for War". Washington. 1941.
  6. Roosevelt F. "Whither Bound? A Lecture at Milton Academy on the Alumni War Memorial Foundation May, 18, 1926". Houghton Mifflin Co. The Riverside Press. Cambridge. Boston & N. Y. 1926.
  7. Roosevelt F. "On Our Way". The John Day Co. N.Y. 1934.
  8. Roosevelt F. "Government - Not Politics". Covici-Friede Publishers. N.Y. 1934.
  9. "Public Papers of F.D.R. Forty-Eighth Governor of the State of New York Second Term 1931". J.B.LYON Co. Albany. 1937.
  10. "Public Papers of F.D.R. Forty-Eighth Governor of the State of New York Second Term 1932, 1939". J. B. Lyon Co. 1939.

Editions during F. Roosevelt's Lifetime

  1. "Children in a Democracy. General Report Adopted by the White House Conference on Children in a Democracy. January, 19, 1940". Washington, D.C.
  2. “Consumer Expenditures in the United States. Estimater for 1935–36”. National Resources Committee. United States Government Printing Office. Washington. 1939.
  3. Mackenzie Compton. "Mister Roosevelt". N.Y. 1944.
  4. Lindley Ernest K. "Half Way with Roosevelt". The Viking Press. 1937.
  5. Howe Quincy. “World Diary: 1929–1934”. Robert M. McBride & Co. N. Y. 1934.
  6. O'Connor J.F.T. "Banks under Roosevelt. The Banking Crisis and Recovery under the Roosevelt Administration". Callaghan and Co. Chicago. 1938.
  7. "F.D.R. The New Lincoln". Picture Digest.
  8. Kingdon Frank. "That Man in the White House". Arco Publishing Company. N.Y. 1944.
  9. High Stanley. "Roosevelt - and Then?". N.Y.-London. 1937.
  10. Busch Noel F. "What Manner of Man?". Harper and Brothers Publishers. N.Y.-London. 1944.
  11. O'Brien P.J. "Forward with Roosevelt. An Authentic Narrative of his Life, Aims and Ambi­tions, and A Graphic Story of his Endeavors for Social Security". The John C. Winston Com pany. Chicago. Philadelphia. Toronto. 1936.
  12. "Seven Troubled Years. 1930–1936. A Collection of Papers on the Depression and on the Problems of Recovery and Reform". Edwards Brothers, Inc. Ann Arbor. Michigan. 1937.
  13. Unofficial Observer. "The New Dealers". The Literary Guild. N.Y. 1934.
  14. Serf Bennet. "Try and Stop Me. A Collection of Anecdotes and Stories, Mostly Humorous". Simon and Schuster. N.Y. 1944.
  15. Kessel Joseph. "Army of Shadows". Alfred A. Knopf. N.Y. 1944.
  16. Wallace Henry A. "New Frontiers". Reynal and Hitchcock. N.Y. 1934.
  17. "Administrative Management in the Government of the United States. January 1937". The President's Committee on Administrative Management. Washington. 1937.
  18. Mackenzie Compton. "Mr. Roosevelt". George G. Harrap and Co., Ltd. London. 1943.

Addresses and Talks of F. Roosevelt

  1. "Roosevelt and Frankfurter. Their Correspondence. 1928–1945". An Atlantic Monthly Press Book. Little, Brown and Co. Boston. Toronto. 1967.
  2. Roosevelt Elliott (Ed.). "F.D.R. His Personal Letters. 1905–1928". Duell Sloan and Pearce. N.Y. 1948.
  3. Foner Philip S. (Ed.). "F.D.R. Selections from his Writings". International Publishers. N.Y. 1947.
  4. Rauch Basil (Ed.). "The Roosevelt Reader. Selected Speeches, Messages, Press-Conferences and Letters of F.D.R.". Rinehart and Co., Inc. N.Y. Toronto. 1957.
  5. Kavinoky Edward, Park Julian (Eds.).F. Roosevelt. My Friends... Twenty One History Making Speeches". Foster and Stewart Publishing Corp. Buffalo, N.Y. 1946.
  6. Nixon Edgar B. (Ed.). "F. Roosevelt. Conservation 1911–1945. Volume One. 1911–1937". Gen. Serv. Adm. Nat. Arch. Rec. Serv.FDR Library Hyde Park, N.Y. 1957.
  7. Nixon Edgar B. (Ed.). "F. Roosevelt. Conservation 1911–1945. Volume Two. 1937–1945". Gen. Serv. Adm. Nat. Arch. Rec. Serv. FDR Library Hyde Park, N.Y. 1957
  8. Roosevelt Elliott (Ed.). "F.D.R. His Personal Letters. Early Years". Duell, Sloan and Pearce. N.Y. 1947.
  9. Loewenheim F. L., Langley H.D., Jonas M. (Eds.). "Roosevelt and Churchill. Their Secret Wartime Correspondence". Saturday Review Press E. P. Dulton and Co., Inc. N.Y. 1975.
  10. Rosenau James N. (Ed.). "The Roosevelt Treasury". Doubleday and Co., Inc. Garden City, N.Y. 1951.
  11. Zevin B. D. (Ed.). "Nothing to Fear. The Selected Addresses of F.D.R. 1932–1945". Houghton Mifflin Co. The Riverside Press. Cambridge. 1946.
  12. Bullit Ortville H. (Ed.). "For the President. Personal and Secret. Correspondence between F.D.R. and W. C. Bullit". Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston. 1972.
  13. Hunt John Gabriel (Ed.) "The Essential Franklin Delano Roosevelt". Portland House. 1995.

Books about F. Roosevelt

  1. Miller Nathan. "The Roosevelts Chronicles". Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, N.Y. 1979.
  2. Viorst Milton. "Hostile Allies. F.D.R. and Charles de Gaulle". The Macmillan Co. N.Y. Collier-Macmillan Ltd. London. 1965.
  3. Jacoby Robert L. (Ed.). "Calendar of the Speeches and Other Published Statements of Franklin D. Roosevelt. 1910–1920". Gen. Serv. Admin. Nat. Arch. Rec. Serv. Franklin D. Roosevelt Library. Hyde Park, N.Y. 1952.
  4. Morgan Ted. "F.D.R. A Biography". Simon and Schuster. N.Y. 1985.
  5. Rosenblum Marcus. "The Story of Franklin D. Roosevelt". Simon and Schuster. N.Y. 1949.
  6. Bishop Jim. "F.D.R.’s Last Year. April 1944–April 1945". William Morrow & Co., Inc. N.Y. 1974.
  7. Lash Joseph P. "Roosevelt and Churchill. 1939–1941. The Partnership that Saved the West". W. W. Norton & Co., Inc. N.Y. 1976.
  8. Lippman Theo, Jr. "The Squire of Warm Spring. F.D.R. in Georgia. 1924–1945". Playboy Press. 1977.
  9. "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Four Freedoms Awards Middleburg, June 23, 1984". Roosevelt Study Center Middleburg. 1985.
  10. Nesbitt Henrietta (F.D.R.’s House-Keeper). "White House Diary". Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, N.Y. 1948.
  11. Divine Robert A. "Roosevelt and World War II". The Johns Hopkins Press. Baltimore. 1969.
  12. Stewart J. William (Ed.). "A Selected Bibliography of Periodical, Essay and Dissertation Literature, 1945–1971". The Franklin D. Roosevelt Library. Nat. Arch. Rec. Serv. Gen. Serv. Admin.
  13. Davis Kennet S. "F.D.R. The New York Years. 1928–1933". Random House. N.Y. 1985.
  14. Flynn John T. "The Roosevelt Myth". Garden City Publishing Co., Inc. Garden City, N.Y. 1949.
  15. Asbell Bernard. "When F.D.R. Died". Holt, Rinehart and Winston. N.Y. 1961.
  16. Gekle William F. "The Hacketts and the Roosevelts and Other River Families. An Informal History of the Relationship between a Firm of Country Lawyers and their Aristocratic Clients". Cunneen-Hacket Trust. Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 1984.
  17. Miller Nathan. "F.D.R. An Intimate History". Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, N.Y. 1984.
  18. Hurd Charles. "When the New Deal was Young and Gay". Hawthorn Books, Inc. Publishers. N.Y. and London. 1965.
  19. Burns James Maсgregor. "Roosevelt: the Soldier of Freedom". Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. N.Y. 1970.
  20. Burns James Maсgregor. "Roosevelt: the Soldier of Freedom". Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. N.Y. 1970.
  21. Davis Kenneth S. "F.D.R. The Beckoning of Destiny. 1882–1928. A History". G.P.Puthnam’s Sons. N.Y. 1972.
  22. Hickok Lorena A. "The Road to the White House. F.D.R.: the Pre-Presidential Years". Scholastic Book Services, Division of Scholastic Magazines, Inc. N.Y. 1963.
  23. "Franklin Delano Roosevelt. A Memorial". Pocket Books. N.Y. 1945.
  24. "Franklin Delano Roosevelt. A Memorial". Pocket Books. N.Y. 1945.
  25. Woods John A. "Roosevelt and Modern America". Collier Books. N.Y. 1962.
  26. "A Man Has Passed Away... But His Work Must Go On".
  27. Leuchtenburg William E. (Ed.). "Franklin D. Roosevelt. A Profile". Hill and Wang. N.Y. 1967.
  28. Beschloss Michael R. "Kennedy and Roosevelt. The Uneasy Alliance". W. W. Norton & Co. N. Y. - London. 1980.
  29. Weingast David E. "Franklin D. Roosevelt. Man of Destiny". Julian Messner. N.Y. 1965.
  30. Smith Merriman A. "Thank you, Mr. President A White House Notebook". Harper and Brothers Publishers. N. Y. - London. 1946.
  31. Tittle Walter. "Roosevelt as an Artist Saw him". Robert M. McBride & Co. 1948.
  32. Winant John Gilbert. "Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Memorial Address Delivered before the Joint Meeting of the Two Houses of Congress as Tri­bute of Respect to the Late President of the United States". Hall of the House of Representa­tives. July 1, 1946.
  33. Stewart William J. (Ed.). "A Selected Bibliography of Periodical and Dissertation Literature 1945–1966". Gen. Serv. Adm. Nat. Arch. Rec. Serv. Franklin D. Roosevelt Library. Hyde Park, N.Y. 1967.
  34. Burns James McGregor. "Roosevelt: the Lion and the Fox". Harcourt, Brace & Co. N.Y. 1956.
  35. Burns James McGregor. "Roosevelt: the Lion and the Fox". Harcourt, Brace & Co. N.Y. 1956.
  36. Ward Geoffrey C. "Before the Trumpet. Young Franklin Roosevelt. 1882–1905". Harper and Row Publishers. N.Y. 1985.
  37. "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collector. November, 1948". The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collectors’ Association. Glendale, California. 1948.
  38. "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collector. May, 1949". The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collectors’ Association. Glendale, California. 1949.
  39. "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collector. May, 1949". The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collectors’ Association. Glendale, California. 1949.
  40. "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collector. November, 1949". The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collectors’ Association. Glendale, California. 1949.
  41. ."The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collector. November, 1949".The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collectors' Association. Glendale, California. 1949.
  42. "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collector. May, 1950". The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collectors’ Association. Glendale, California. 1950.
  43. "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collector. November, 1950". The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collectors' Association. Glendale, California. 1950.
  44. "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collector. May, 1951". The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collectors' Association. Glendale, California. 1951.
  45. "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collector. November, 1951". The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collectors' Association. Glendale, California, 1951.
  46. "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collector. November, 1951". The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collectors' Association. Glendale, California. 1951.
  47. "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collector. May, 1952". The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collectors' Association. Glendale, California. 1952.
  48. "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collector. May, 1952". The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collectors' Association. Glendale, California. 1952.
  49. "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collector. November, 1952". The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collectors' Association. Glendale, California. 1952.
  50. "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collector. November, 1952". The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collectors' Association. Glendale, California. 1952.
  51. "TheFranklinD. RooseveltCollector.November,1952".TheFranklinD. RooseveltCollectors' Association.Glendale,California.1952.
  52. "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collector. May, 1953". The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collectors' Association. Glendale, California. 1953.
  53. "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collector. May, 1954". The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collectors' Association. Glendale. California. 1954.
  54. "TheFranklinD. RooseveltCollector.May, 1954".TheFranklinD. RooseveltCollectors' Association. Glendale,California.1954.
  55. "The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collector. May, 1955". The Franklin D. Roosevelt Collectors' Association. Glendale, California. 1955.
  56. "TheFranklinD. RooseveltCollector.May,1955".TheFranklinD. RooseveltCollectors' Association. Glendale,California.1955.
  57. Emerson William. "Franklin Roosevelt as Commander -in- Chief in World War II". Reprinted from “Mili­tary Affairs”, Vol.22. Winter, 1958.
  58. "Franklin D. Roosevelt and Hyde Park". Washington. 1961.

Books by Members of Roosevelt’s Family

  1. Roosevelt Eleanor. "The Autobiography". Harper and Row Publishers. N. Y., Hagerstown, San Fr., London. 1978.
  2. Roosevelt Eleanor. "This I Remember". Hutchinson and Co. Publishers, Ltd. London. N.Y. Melbourne. Sydney. Cape Town. 1950.
  3. Roosevelt Eleanor. "This I Remember". Harper and Brothers Publishers. N.Y. 1949.
  4. Roosevelt Eleanor. "On My Own". Harper and Brothers Publishers. N.Y. 1950.
  5. Asbell Bernard (Ed.). "Mother and Daughter. The Letters of Eleanor and Anna Roosevelt". Coward, McCann & Geoghegan. N.Y. 1982.
  6. Roosevelt Elliott. "As he Saw it". Duell, Sloan and Pearce. N.Y. 1946.
  7. Roosevelt Elliott. "Murder and the First Lady". Avon Books. N.Y. 1985.
  8. Roosevelt James, Shalett Sidney. "Affectionately, F.D.R. A Son's Story of Lonely Man". Harcourt, Brace and Co. N.Y. 1959.
  9. Roosevelt James, Shalett Sidney. "Affectionately, F.D.R. A Son's Story of Lonely Man". George G. Harrap & Co., Ltd. London, Toronto, Wellington, Sydney.
  10. Roosevelt Elliott and Brough James. "An Untold Story. The Roosevelts of Hyde Park". G. P. Putnam's Sons. N.Y. 1973.
  11. Roosevelt James (with Libby Bill). "My Parents. A Differing View". Playboy Press Book. Chicago. 1976.
  12. Steeholm Clara and Hardy (with Sara Delano Roosevelt) "The House of Hyde Park". Viking Press. N.Y. 1950.
  13. Roosevelt Elliott, Brough James, "A Rendezvous with Destiny. The Roosevelts of the White House". G. P. Putnam's Sons. N.Y. 1975.

Books about Members of F. Roosevelt's Family

  1. "Anna Eleanor Roosevelt. 1884–1962. Memorial Addresses in the House of Representatives. 88 Congress, 1st Session".
  2. "Anna Eleanor Roosevelt. 1884–1962. Memorial Addresses in the House of Representatives. 88 Congress, 1st Session".
  3. Hershan Stella K. "A Woman of Quality. Eleanor Roosevelt". Crown Publishers, Inc. N.Y. 1970.
  4. Gubar Susan, Hoff-Wilson Joan (Eds.). "Without Precedent. The Life and Career of Eleanor Roose­velt". Indiana University Press. Bloomington. 1984.
  5. Hareven Tamara. "Eleanor Roosevelt. An American Conscience". Quadrangle Books. Chicago. 1968.
  6. Lash Joseph. "Eleanor: the Years Alone". W. W. Norton к Co., Inc. N.Y. 1972.
  7. Lash Joseph. "Eleanor: the Years Alone". W. W. Norton кCo. , Inc. N.Y. 1972.
  8. Lerman Rhoda. "Eleanor". Holt, Rinehart and Winston. N.Y. 1979.
  9. Lash Joseph. "Love, Eleanor. Eleanor Roosevelt and her Friends". Doubleday & Co. , Inc. Garden City. N.Y. 1982.
  10. Lash Joseph. "Love, Eleanor. Eleanor Roosevelt and her Friends". Doubleday & Co. , Inc. Garden City. N.Y. 1982.
  11. Lash Joseph. "Life was Meant to Be Lived. A Centenary Portrait of Eleanor Roosevelt". W. W. Norton & Co. N.Y. London. 1984.

Statesmen. Writers, etc. during F. Roosevelt's Lifetime

  1. Fish Hamilton. ''F.D.R. The Other Side of the Coin. How We Were Tricked into World War II". Vantage Press. N.Y., Washington, Atlanta Holly­wood. 1962.
  2. Fish Hamilton. "F.D.R. The Other Side of the Coin. How We Were Tricked into World War II". Institute for Historical Review. Torrance, Ca., USA. 1962.
  3. White William S. "Majesty and Mischief. A Mixed Tribute to F.D.R.". McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. N.Y. , Toronto, London. 1961.
  4. Degler Carl N. (Ed.). "The New Deal". Quadrangle Books. Chicago. 1970.
  5. Wedemeyer Albert Coady, General. "Wedemeyer Reports!". Henry Holt & Co. N.Y. 1958.
  6. Farley James A. "Jim Farley's Story. The Roosevelt Years". Whittlesey House McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. N.Y., Toronto. 1948.
  7. West J. B., Chief Usher of the White House, Ret., With K. Kotz Mary Lynn. "Upstairs at the White House". Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, Inc. N.Y. 1973.
  8. Rosenman Samuel. "Working with Roosevelt". Harper & Brothers Publishers. N.Y. 1952.
  9. Adams Henry. "Harry Hopkins". G. P. Putnam's Sons. N.Y. 1977.
  10. Daniels Jonathan. "White House Witness. 1942–1945". Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, N.Y. 1975.
  11. Hassett William D. "Off the Record with F.D.R. 1942–1945". Ruskin House George Allen & Unwin, Ltd. Museum Street London. 1960.
  12. Martin George. Madam Secretary Frances Perkins “A Biography of America’s First Woman Cabinet Member”. Houghton Mifflin Co. Boston, 1976
  13. Perkins Frances. "The Roosevelt I Knew". The Viking Press. 1946
  14. Blum John Morton. "Roosevelt and Morgenthau. A Revision and Condensation of. From the Morgen­thau Diaries". Houghton and Mifflin Company. Boston. 1970.
  15. Morgenthau Henry Jr. "Germany is Our Problem". Harper & Brothers Publishers. N.Y. and London. 1945.
  16. Menzies Robert. "Afternoon Light. Memoires of Prime Minister of Australia, 1939–41 and 1949- 66". Coward-McCann, Inc. N. Y. 1'968.
  17. Tully Grace. "F.D.R. My Boss". Charles Scribner’s Sons. N.Y. 1949.
  18. Tully Grace. "F.D.R. My Boss". Peoples Book Club. Chicago. 1949.
  19. Blum John Morton. "From the Morgenthau Diaries. Years of Crisis, 1928–1938". The Riverside Press. Cambridge. Houghton Mifflin Company. Boston. 1959.
  20. Sugrue Thomas, Starling Edmund W., General. "Starling of the White House. The Story of the Man Whose Secret Service Detail Guarded Five Presi­dents from Woodrow Wilson to F.D.R., as Told to Thomas Sugrue by Colonel Edmund W. Starling". Simon and Schuster. N.Y. 1946.
  21. Acheson Dean. "Present at the Creation. My Years in the State Department". W. W. Norton & Co., Inc. N.Y. 1969.
  22. Bowers Claude. "My Life". Simon and Schuster. N.Y. 1962.
  23. Allen George. "Presidents Who Have Known Me". Simon and Schuster. N.Y. 1950.
  24. Stilwell Joseph. "The Stilwell Papers". William Sloane Associates, Inc. N.Y. 1948.
  25. Byrnes James. "All in One Lifetime". Harper and Brothers Publishers. N.Y. 1958.
  26. Tugwell Rexford G. "The Democratic Roosevelt". Penguin Books, Inc. Baltimore. 1969.
  27. Tugwell Rexford G. "The Democratic Roosevelt". Doubleday & Co. Garden City, N.Y. 1957.
  28. Tugwell Rexford G. "F.D.R. The Architect of an Era". The Macmillan Company. N.Y. 1967.
  29. Tugwell Rexford G. "In Search of Roosevelt". Harvard University Press. Cambridge, Massachu­setts. 1972.
  30. Douglas William. "Of Men and Mountains". Harper and Brothers Publishers. N.Y. 1950.
  31. Truman Harry S. "Year of Decisions". Volume One. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, N.Y. 1955.
  32. Leahy William D., Fleet Admiral. "I Was There. The Personal Story of the Chief of Staff to Presi­dents Roosevelt and Truman Based on His Notes and Diaries". Whitlesey House McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. N. Y., London, Toronto. 1950.
  33. Deane John R. "The Strange Alliance". John Murrey. London. 1947.
  34. Anderson Patrick. "The Presidents' Men. White House Assistants of Franklin D.Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F.Kennedy and Lyndon B.Johnson", Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, N.Y. 1968.
  35. Berle Beatrice Bishop, Jacobs Travis Beal (Eds.). "Navigating the Rapids. 1918–1971. From the Papers of Adolf A.Berle". Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. 1973.


  1. Voss Frederick Stevens, "F.D.R. The Early Years". The National Portrait Gallery. 1982.
  2. Goodfriend Arthur. "The Only War We Seek". Farrar, Straus and Young, Inc. N.Y. 1951.
  3. Miller Edward and Mueller Betty J. "The Franklin Delano Roosevelt Library and Home". Mere­dith Press. N.Y. 1966.
  4. Shawen Lena. "A President's Hobby". H. L. Lindquist Publications. N.Y. 1949.
  5. Dows Olin. "Franklin Roosevelt at Hyde Park".
  6. Douglas Helen Gahagan. "The Eleanor Roosevelt We Remember". Hill and Wang. N.Y. 1963.
  7. Stewart William J., Pollard Charyl С “Franklin D. Roosevelt Collector”. Prologue-Winter. 1969.
  8. "F.D.R. in New York State". N.Y. 1982.
  9. Whitehead James L. "F.D.R. in Pictures" FDR Library and Museum. N.Y. 1975.
  10. Butterfield Roger, Graaf Robert, Ginna Robert. "F.D.R.". Harper and Row Publishers. N. Y. , Evanstan, London. 1963.
  11. Butterfield Roger, Graaf Robert, Ginna Robert. "F.D.R.". Harper and Row Publishers. N.Y.
  12. Sullivan Wilson. "Franklin Delano Roosevelt". American Heritage Publishing Co., Inc. N.Y. 1970.
  13. Muskie Stephen. "Campobello: Roosevelt's Beloved Island". Down East Books. Camden. 1982.
  14. Alsop Joseph. "A Centenary Remembrance. F.D.R. 1882–1945". The Viking Press. N.Y. 1982.
  15. AlsopJoseph."ACentenaryRemembrance.F.D.R.1882–1945".TheVikingPress.N.Y. 1982.
  16. Kinnaird Clark (Ed.). "The Real F.D.R. An Intimate Close-Up in Pictures and Anecdotes, with a Factual Record of his Life and Work". The Citadel Press. N.Y. 1945.
  17. McKown Robin. "Roosevelt's America". Publishers Grosset & Dunlap. N.Y. 1962.
  18. "The Democratic Digest. June 1945. F.D.R. 1882–1945".
  19. Barber James and Voss Frederick. "Portraits from the New Deal". Smithsonian Institution Press. Washington. 1983.
  20. Frank Sid and Melick Arden Davis. "The Presidents Tidbits and Trivia. Anecdotes, Details and Fascinating Facts about the Presidents of the U.S.". Greenwich House. N.Y. 1984.
  21. Phillips Cabell. "Prom the Crash to the Blitz. 1929–1939. The N. Y. Times Chronicle of American Life". The Macmillan Corp.
  22. Horan James. "The Desperate Years. From Stock Market Crash to WWII. A Pictorial History of the Thirties". Bonanza Books. N.Y. 1962.

US Foreign Policy, the Big Three, World War II

  1. Neumann William L. "After Victory: Churchill, Roosevelt, Stalin and the Making of the Peace. US and Allied Diplomacy in WWII". Harper and Row Publishers. N.Y. , Evanston and London. 1967.
  2. Werth Alexander. "Russia at War 1941–45". E.P.Dutton & Co., Inc. 1964.
  3. Knebel Fletcher and Baily Charles. "No High Ground". Harper and Brothers Publishers. N.Y. 1960.
  4. Lord Walter. "Day of Infamy". Henry Holt & Co. 1957.
  5. Feis Herbert. "The China Tangle. The American Effort in China from Pearl Harbor to the Mar­shall Mission". Princeton University Press. Princeton, New Jersy. 1953.
  6. Feis Herbert. "Churchill. Roosevelt. Stalin. The War They Waged and the Peace They Sought". Princeton University Press. Princeton, New Jersy. 1957.
  7. Goodsmit Samuel. "Alsos". Henry Schuman. N.Y.
  8. Hough Richard. "The Greatest Crusade. Roosevelt. Churchill and the Naval Wars". William Morrow and Company, Inc. N.Y. 1984.
  9. Larrabee Eric. "Commander-in-Chief. F.D.R., his lieutenants and their War". Harper and Row Publishers. N.Y. 1987.
  10. Taylor A. J.P. "The Origins of the Second World War". Atheneum. N.Y. 1962.
  11. Adler Selig. "The Uncertain Giant. 1921–1941. American Foreign Policy between the Wars". Collier Books. London. 1969.
  12. Chamberlin William Henry. "America's Second Crusade". Henry Regnery Company. Chicago. 1950.
  13. Langer William and Gleason Everett. "The Challenge to Isolation. 1937–1940. The World Crisis and American Foreign Policy". Harper and Brothers Publishers. N.Y. 1952.
  14. Langer William and Gleason Everett. "The Undeclared War. 1940–1941". Harper and Row Publi­shers. N.Y. 1953.
  15. Harris Whitney- R. "Tyranny on Trial. The Evidence at Nurenberg". Southern Methodist Univer­sity Press. Dallas. 1954.
  16. Kimball Warren P. "The Most Unsordid Act. Lend-Lease, 1939–1941". The John Hopkins Press. Balti­more. 1969.
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  18. Flynn George. "Roosevelt and Romanism. Catholics and American Diplomacy, 1937–1945". Green­wood Press. Westport, Connecticut - London, England. 1976.

US Home Policy prior to F. Roosevelt and during his Presidency

  1. Coyle David Cushman. "Ordeal of the Presidentсу". Public Affairs Press. Washington D.C. 1960.
  2. Reinsch Leonard. "Getting Elected. From Radio and Roosevelt to Television and Reagan". Hippocrene Books. N.Y. 1988.
  3. Schlesinger Arthur M., Jr. "The Crisis of the Old Order. The Age of Roosevelt. 1919–1933". Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. The River­side Press. Cambridge. 1957.
  4. Daniels Jonathan, "The Man of Independence". J. P. Lippincott Company. Philadelphia, N. Y. 1950.
  5. Kile Orville Merton. "The Farm Bureau through Three Decades". The Waverly Press. Baltimore. MD. 1948.
  6. Daniels Jonathan. "The Time Between Wars. Armistice to Pearl Harbor". Doubleday and Company, Inc. Garden City, N.Y. 1966.
  7. Marling Karal Ann. "Wall-to-Wall America. A Cultural History of Post-Office Murals in the Great Depression". University of Minne­sota Press. 1982.
  8. Erirch Arthur A., Jr. "Ideologies and Utopias. The Impact of the New Deal on American Thought". Chicago Quadrangle Books. 1969.
  9. Leighton Isabel (Ed.). "The Aspirin Age. 1919. Simon and Schuster. 1949.
  10. Martin Ralph. "Ballots and Bandwagons". Rand McNally & Co. Chicago, N.Y., San Francisco. 1964.
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  12. Anderson Clinton (Ed.). "Twenty Years of Team-work. The Story of What the American People Have Accomplished since 1932".
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  15. "To Secure These Rights. The Report of the President's Committee on Civil Rights". United States Government Printing Office. Washington. 1947.


  1. "Documents on German Foreign Policy. 1918–1945. Series С (1933–1937). The Third Reich: First Phase. Volume I. January 30–0ctober 14, 1933". N 27518. United States Government Printing Office. Washing­ton. 1957.
  2. "Documents on German Foreign Policy. 1918–1945. Series С (1933–1937). The Third Reich: First Phase. Volume II. October 14, 1933–June 13, 1934". N 27519. United States Government Printing Office. Washing­ton. 1959.
  3. "Documents on German Foreign Policy. 1918–1945. Series С (1933–1937). The Third Reich: First Phase. Volume III. June 14, 1934–March 31, 1935". N 27520. United States Government Printing Office. Washing­ton. 1959.
  4. "Documents on German Foreign Policy. 1918–1945. Series С (1933–1937). The Third Reich: First Phase. Volume IV. April 1, 1935–March 4, 1936". N 27521. United States Government Printing Office. Washing­ton. 1962.
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  6. "Documents on German Foreign Policy. 1918–1945. Series D (1937–1945). Volume X. The War Years. June 23–August 31, 1940". N 27524. United States Government Printing Office. Washington. 1957.
  7. "Documents on German Foreign Policy. 1918–1945. Series D (1937–1945). Volume XI. The War Years. September 1, 1940–January 31, 1941". N27525. United States Government Printing Office. Washington. 1960.
  8. "Documents on German Foreign Policy. 1918–1945. Series D (1937–1945). Volume XII. The War Years. February 1–June 22, 1941". N 27526. United States Government Printing Office. Washington. 1962.
  9. "Documents on German Foreign Policy. 1918–1945. Series D (1937–1945). Volume XIII. The War Years. June 23 –December 11, 1941". N 27527. United States Government Printing Office. Washington. 1964.
  10. "Germany Surrenders Unconditionally. Facsimiles of the Documents". The National Archives. Washington. 1945.
  11. “In Quest of Peace and Security. Selected Documents of American Foreign Policy. 1941–1951”. Department of State Publication. 1951

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