Memorial Cabinet of Winston Churchill

В феврале 2004 г. в Ливадийском дворце-музее был открыт Мемориальный кабинет-библиотека Уинстона Черчилля. Формирование библиотеки осуществлялось при содействии дочери У. Черчилля Мэри Соумз и других членов его семьи, МИД Великобритании, посольства Великобритании в Украине, Британского совета в Украине, Архивного центра Черчилля, Международного общества Черчилля, ведущих британских историков. В настоящее время в Кабинете-библиотеке хранится более ста книг, копии исторических документов, посвященных жизни и деятельности легендарного британского политика У. Черчилля.

В библиотеке представлены издания по следующим темам:

  • Исторические, литературные, публицистические труды У. Черчилля;
  • Речи У. Черчилля;
  • Переписка У. Черчилля с государственными и политическими деятелями, членами семьи;
  • Воспоминания об У. Черчилле государственных и политических деятелей, его секретарей, членов семьи;
  • Исторические исследования о жизни и деятельности У. Черчилля;
  • Сборники документов по внешней политике Великобритании 40–70 годов ХХ века;
  • Фотоальбомы о жизни Черчилля и его семьи, сборники репродукций его картин.

На основании материалов, переданных Ливадийскому музею британской стороной (копий исторических документов, фотографий, аудио-, видеоматериалов) в Мемориальном кабинете-библиотеке У. Черчилля была создана экспозиция, знакомящая посетителей с моментами жизненного пути У. Черчилля, историей его семьи, военной и внешнеполитической деятельностью премьер-министра Великобритании в годы Второй мировой войны. 

Информация для специалистов

Доступ к изучению научных материалов Мемориального кабинета-библиотеки У. Черчилля осуществляется на основе соответствующего отношения от направляющей организации с указанием фамилии, имени, отчества и статуса специалиста, цели и темы исследования, при разрешении директора КРУ ЛДМ (заместителя директора по научной работе). При этом экземпляр результатов работы обязательно предоставляется в Мемориальный кабинет-библиотеку У. Черчилля.

Список книг

  • Nigel Blundell. .4 Pictorial History of Winston Churchill (Devizes. Wiltshire: Selecta Book Ltd, 1996) DONATED BY THE LADY SOAMES, DBE
  • John Ramsden, Man of the Century - Winston Churchill and his Legend since 1945 (London: Harper Collins. 2002) DONATED BY THE LADY SOAMES. DBE
  • Mary Soames, Winston S. Churchill his Life as a Painter: a Memoir by his daughter Mary Soames (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company. 1990) DONATED BY THE LADY SOAMES. DBE
  • Mary Soames ed., Speaking for Themselves: The Personal Letters of Winston and Clementine Churchill (London: Doubleday. 1998) DONATED BY THE LADY SOAMES. DBE
  • Mary Soames, A Churchill Family Album (London: Allen Lane. 1982) DONATED BY THE LADY SOAMES, DBE
  • Mary Soames. Clementine Churchill - 'The Revised and Updated Biography (London: Doubleday Revised and Updated edition. 2002) DONATED BY THE LADY SOAMES, DBE
  • Piers Brendon. Winston Churchill: a brief life (London: Pimlico edition, 2001) DONATED BY CHURCHILL ARCHIVES CENTRE
  • R.A.C. Parker cd., Winston Churchill: Studies in Statesmanship (London: Brassey's expanded paperback edition. 2002) DONATED BY THE CHURCHILL ARCHIVES CENTRE
  • D.R. Thorpe, Eden: The Life and Times of Anthony Eden First Earl of Avon, 1897–1977 (London: Chatto & Windus, 2003) DONATED BY LADY AVON
  • Paul Addison, Churchill on the Home Front (London: Jonathan Cape. 1992) DONATED BY DR PAUL ADDISON
  • R Crosby Kemper III, Winston Churchill: Resolution. Defiance, Magnanimity, Goodwill (Columbia and London: University of Missouri Press. 1996) DONATED BY THE LADY SOAMES, DBE
  • Violet Bonham Carter, Winston Churchill as I Knew Him (London: Eyre & Spottiswoode and Collins, 1965) DONATED BY THE LADY SOAMES, DBE
  • James W. Muller cd.. Churchill as Peacemaker (Cambridge: Woodrow Wilson Center Press and Cambridge University Press. 1997) DONA FED BY THE LADY SOAMES. DBE
  • Thomas Wilson, Churchill and the Profr (London: Cassell. 1995) DONATED BY THE LADY SOAMES, DBE
  • Warren F. Kimball ed., Churchill & Roosevelt: The Complete Correspondence, three volumes (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1984) {Volume I Alliance Emerging October 8, 1933–November 14, 1942: Volume Л Alliance Forged November 15, 1942–February 29, 1944: Volume III Alliance Declining February 29, 1944–April 13. 1945 DONATED BY THE LADY SOAMES. DBE (THREE BOOKS)
  • David Coombs in association with Minnie Churchill, Winston Churchill the artist and his paintings (London: Chaucer Press. 2003) DONATED BY THE LADY SOAMES. DBE
  • John R. Colville. Action This Day - Working with Churchill (London: Macmillan. 1968) DONATED BY THE LADY SOAMES, DBE
  • Sarah Churchill, A Thread in the Tapestry (Worcester and London: The Trinity Press. 1977) DONATED BY THE LADY SOAMES. DBE
  • Chartwell - The National Trust (London: The National Trust. 2003 edition) DONATED BY THE LADY SOAMES, DBE Winston Churchill, The Boer War - London to Ladysmith via Pretoria and Ian Hamilton's March (London: Pimlico edition, 2002) (originally published by Longmans, Green in 1900) DONATED BY WINSTON S CHURCHILL (GRANDSON)
  • Winston S. Churchill, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples - A New One-volume Abridgement by Christopher Lee (London: Cassell paperback edition, 1999) (originally published as four volumes The Birth of Britain (1956), The New World (1956), The Age of-Revolution (1957), The Great Democracies (1958) DONATED BY WINSTON S CHURCHILL (GRANDSON)
  • Winston S. Churchill ed., Never Give In! The Best of Winston Churchill's Speeches - Selected and Edited by his Grandson Winston S. Churchill (London: Pimlico, 2003) DONATED BY WINSTON S CHURCHILL (GRANDSON)
  • Winston S. Churchill ed., The Great Republic: A History of America (New York: Random House, 1999) (Preface and additional text by Winston S. Churchill - the main text of this work is an abridgement of A History of the English-Speaking Peoples by Winston Churchill, originally published in four volumes in 1956, 1957 and 1958 by Cassell & Co. Ltd., London). DONATED BY WINSTON S CHURCHILL (GRANDSON)
  • IIMSO, Winston Churchill: Speeches in Russian (London: HMSO, 1945) DONATED BY THE CHURCHILL CENTRE
  • Winston S. Churchill, Marlborough: His Life and Times, Book One (Chicago: University of Chicago Press edition, 2002) (consisting of volumes I and II of the original work) (Volumes I and II originally published in 1933 and 1934) DONATED BY THE CHURCHILL CENTRE
  • Winston S. Churchill, Marlborough: His Life and Times, Book Two (Chicago: University of Chicago Press edition, 2002) (consisting of volumes III and IV of the original work) (Volumes III and IV originally published in 1936 and 1938) DONATED BY THE CHURCHILL CENTRE
  • Winston S. Churchill, Frontiers and Wars — His Four Early Books Covering His Life as a Soldier and War Correspondent edited into One Volume (London:Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1962) (The four early books - The Malakand Field Force, The River War, London to Ladysmith, Ian Ilamilton € March DONATED BY THE CHURCHILL CENTRE
  • Winston Churchill, Heroes of History by Winston Churchill A Selection of Churchill s Favourite Historical Characters (New York: Dodd, Mead and Company. 1968)
  • GeotTrcy Best. Churchill: A Study in Greatness (Oxford: Oxford: University Press. 2003) DONATED BY DR GEOFFREY BEST
  • Piers Brendon, Winston Churchill: a brief life (London: Pimlico edition. 2001) DONA FED BY DR PIERS BRENDON
  • David Stafford, Churchill and Secret Service (Toronto: Sioddart, 1997) DONATED BY PROFESSOR DAVID STAFFORD
  • David Stafford, Roosevelt and Churchill: Men of Secrets (Woodstock, New York: The Overlook Press, 2000) DONATED BY PROFESSOR DAVID STAFFORD
  • Piers Brendon, Ike: The Life and Times oj'Dwight D. Eisenhower (London: Seeker & Warburg, 1987) DONATED BY nR PIERS BRENDON
  • David Stafford, Churchill (Cracow: Wydawnictwo Literackie, 2000) (Polish language version of Chuirchill and Secret Service) DONATED BY PROFESSOR DAVID STAFFORD
  • Andrew Roberts. Hitler and Stalin: Secrets of Leadership (London: Weidenleld & Nicolson. 2003) DONATED BY ANDREW ROBERTS
  • Norman Rose, Churchill: An Unruly Life (London: Simon & Schuster. 1994) DONATED BY NORMAN ROSE'
  • Robert Blake and Wm. Roger Louis eds., Churchill: A Major New Assessment of his Life in Peace and War (Oxford: Clarendon Press paperback. 1996) DONATED BY OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS
  • Piers Brendon, The Dark Valley: A Panorama of the 1930s (New York: Alfred A. Knopf. 2000) DONATED BY PIERS BRENDON
  • Anthony Montague Browne, Long Sunset: Memoirs of Winston Churchill's Last Private Secretary (London: Cassell, 1995) DONATED BY SIR ANTHONY MONTAGUE BROWNE
  • Winston S. Churchill, The Sinews of Peace: Post-war Speeches by Winston S. Churchill (London: Cassell and Company Ltd. 1948) DONATED BY THE CHURCHILL CENTRE
  • Winston S. Churchill, Europe Unite: Speeches 1947 and 1948 by Winston S. Churchill (London: Cassell and Company Ltd, 1950) DONATED BY THE CHURCHILL CENTRE
  • Winston S. Churchill, In the Balance: Speeches 1949 and 1950 by Winston S. Churchill (London: Cassell and Company Ltd, 1951) DONATED BY THE CHURCHILL CENTRE
  • Winston S. Churchill, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. Volume I The Birth of Britain (London: Cassell, 2002) FIRST PUBLISHED IN 1956 DONATED BY ORION PUBLISHING GROUP
  • Winston S. Churchill, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. Volume II The New World (London: Cassell, 2002) FIRST PUBLISHED IN 1956 DONATED BY ORION PUBLISHING GROUP
  • Winston S. Churchill, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. Volume III The Age of Revolution (London: Cassell, 2002) FIRST PUBLISHED IN 1957 DONATED BY ORION PUBLISHING GROUP
  • Winston S. Churchill, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. Volume II The Great Democracies (London: Cassell, 2002) FIRST PUBLISHED IN 1958 DONATED BY ORION PUBLISHING GROUP
  • Winston S. Churchill, A History of the English-Speaking Peoples. A New One-volume Abridgement by Christopher Lee (London: Cassell, 1998) FIRST PUBLISHED 1956-1958 DONATED BY ORION PUBLISHING GROUP
  • Roy Jenkins, Churchill (London: Pan Books edition, 2002) DONATED BY MACMILLAN LTD
  • R.A.C. Parker, Churchill and Appeasement (London: Papermac edition, 2001) DONATED BY MACMILLAN LTD (A selection of Churchill's Favourite Historical Characters All Told in His Own Words from his four-volume A History of the English-Speaking PeoplesFollowed by a profile of Sir Winston himself drawn from autobiographical writings and speeches). DONATED BY THE CHURCHILL CENTRE
  • Winston S. Churchill. Great Contemporaries (London: Leo Cooper, 1990) FIRST PUBLISHED 1932 DONATED BY THE CHURCHILL CENTRE
  • Winston S. Churchill, My African Journey (London: Leo Cooper, 1989) FIRST PUBLISHED 1908 DONATED BY THE CHURCHILL CENTRE
  • Winston S. Churchill, Thoughts and Adventures (London: Leo Cooper, 1989) FIRST PUBLISHED 1932 DONATED BY THE CHURCHILL CENTRE
  • Winston S. Churchill, Savrola: A Novel (London: Leo Cooper, 1989) FIRST PUBLISHED 1899 DONATED BY THE CHURCHILL CENTRE
  • Winston S. Churchill. My Early Life: A Roving Commission (London: Leo Cooper. 1989) FIRST PUBLISHED 1930 DONATED BY RICHARD M. LANGWORTH
  • Winston S. Churchill, The Boer War: London to Ladysmith via Pretoria; Ian Hamilton's March (New York and London: W.W. Norton & Company. 1990) FIRST PUBLISHED 1900 DONA FED BY RICHARD M. LANGWORTH
  • Winston S. Churchill. The Story of the Malakand Field Force: An Episode of Frontier War (New York and London: W.W. Norton & Company, 1990) FIRST PUBLISHED 1898 DONATED BY RICHARD M. LANGWORTH
  • Winston S. Churchill. Step by Step 1936–1939 (London: Thomas Bulterworth Ltd. 1939) DONATED BY THE CHURCHILL CENTRE
  • Winston S. Churchill. Blood, Sweat and Tears (New York: G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1941) DONATED BY THE CHURCHILL CENTRE
  • Roger Bullen and M.E. Pelly eds., Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series I. Volume II. Conferences and Conversations 1945: London, Washington and Moscow (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1985) DONATED BY HISTORIANS, FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE
  • Roger Bullen and M.E. Pelly eds., Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series I. Volume III. Britain and America: Negotiation of the United States loan 3 August - 7 December 1945 (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1986) DONATED BY HISTORIANS, FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE
  • Roger Bullen and M.E. Pelly eds., Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series I. Volume IV. Britain and America: Atomic Energy, Bases and Food 12 December 1945–31 July 1946 (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1987) DONATED BY HISTORIANS, FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE
  • M.E. Pelly and H.J. Yasamee eds., Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series I. Volume V. Germany and Western Europe 11 August–31 December 1945 (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1990) DONATED BY HISTORIANS, FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE
  • M.E. Pelly, H.J. Yasamee and K.A. Hamilton eds., Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series I. Volume VI Eastern Europe 1945–1946 (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1991) DONATED BY HISTORIANS, FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE
  • H.J. Yasamee and K.A. Hamilton eds., Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series I. Volume VII. The United Nations: Iran, Cold War and World Organisation 1946-1947'(London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1995) DONATED BY HISTORIANS, FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE
  • S.R. Ashton, G. Bennett and K.A. Hamilton eds., Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series I. Volume VIII. Britain and China, 1945–1950 (London: Whitehall History Publishing, 2002) DONATED BY HISTORIANS, FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE
  • Roger Bullen and M.E. Pelly eds., Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series II. Volume I. The Schumann Plan, the Council of Europe and Western European Integration, 1950–1952 (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1986) DONATED BY HISTORIANS, FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE
  • Roger Bullen and M.E. Pelly eds., Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series II. Volume II. The London Conferences Anglo-American Relations and Cold War Strategy, January-June 1950 (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1987) DONATED BY HISTORIANS, FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE
  • Celia Sandys, From Winston With Love and Kisses: The Young Churchill (London: Sinclair-Stevenson, 1994) DONATED BY THE HON CELIA SANDYS
  • Celia Sandys, Churchill Wanted Dead or Alive (London: Harper Collins, 1999) DONATED BY THE HON CELIA SANDYS
  • Celia Sandys, Chasing Churchill: The Travels of Winston Churchill by his Granddaughter (London: Harper Collins, 2003) DONATED BY THE HON CELIA SANDYS
  • Celia Sandys and Jonathan Littman, We Shall Not Fail: The Inspiring Leadership of Winston Churchill (London: Portfolio, 2003) DONATED BY THE HON CELIA SANDYS
  • Celia Sandys, Churchill By His Granddaughter Celia Sandys (London: Contender Books, 2003) ACCOMPANIES THE ITV SERIES CHURCHILL,PRODUCED BY TWI DONATED BY THE HON CELIA SANDYS
  • Michael Balfour, The Adversaries: America, Russia and the Open World 1941–62 (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1981) DONATED BY LINCOLNSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL 
  • Martin Gilbert, The Churchill War Papers. At the Admiralty. Volume 1 September 1939–May 1940 (London: Heinemann, 1993) DONATED BY HISTORIANS, FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE Robert Rhodes James, Lord Randolph Churchill (London: Phoenix Paperback edition, 1994) FIRST PUBLISHED 1959 DONATED BY HISTORIANS, FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE
  • John Keegan ed., Churchill's Generals (London: Abacus, 2001) DONATED BY HISTORIANS, FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE
  • Rohan Butler and M.E. Pelly eds., Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series I. Volume I. The Conference at Potsdam July–August 1945 (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1984) DONATED BY HISTORIANS, FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE
  • Roger Bullen and M.E. Pelly eds., Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series II. Volume III. German Rearmament, September–December 1950 (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1989) DONATED BY HISTORIANS, FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE
  • H.J. Yasamee and K.A. Hamilton eds., Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series II. Volume IV. Korea, June 1950–April 1951 (London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1991) DONATED BY HISTORIANS. FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE
  • G. Bennett and K.A. Hamilton eds., Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series III. Volume I. Britain and the Soviet Union, 1968–1972 (London: The Stationery Office, 1997) DONATED BY HISTORIANS, FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE
  • G. Bennett and K.A. Hamilton eds.. Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series III. Volume II. The Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe, 1972–1975 (London: The Stationery Office, 1997) DONATED BY HISTORIANS, FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE
  • G. Bennett and K.A. Hamilton eds., Documents on British Policy Overseas. Series III. Volume III. Detente in Europe, 1972–1976 (London: The Stationery Office, 2001) DONATED BY HISTORIANS, FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE
  • Martin Gilbert, Churchill - A Life (London: Minerva Paperback edition, 1995) DONATED BY HISTORIANS, FOREIGN & COMMONWEALTH OFFICE

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